- Exquisite Form1950’s Iconic Cotton Bullet Bra in Black, by Exquisite Form, Deadstock, 34”$125.00Add to Favorites
- Sculptress BraVintage 70s Sculptress Bra, Uplifting Banderin Brassiere, Size 34DD$48.00Add to Favorites
- Wonder-Bra with Diagonal SlashVintage Black Lace Long Line Wonder Bra with Diagonal Slash, Sz 36C$58.00Add to Favorites
- Playtex Cross Your HeartVintage Deadstock 70s Playtex Cross Your Heart Long Line Bra w/ Box, Sz 40D$58.00Add to Favorites
- Playtex, No Visible Means of SupportVintage 1970s Black Illusion Lace Bra, No Visible Means of Support by Playtex, Sz 38B$40.00Add to Favorites
- Chansonette for MaidenformVintage 1960s White Cotton Maidenform Bra by Chansonette Sz 36 A$59.00Add to Favorites